How to know you’re ready for a Virtual Assistant

As a business owner do you feel like you are diving into the unknown everyday? Do you dread checking your social media platforms knowing that you have hours of work to schedule, reply, pin, blog and everything in between? Hiring a virtual assistant can help take tasks off of your plate, simple or complex, so you can do the things you truly enjoy doing in your business. Hint: It will allow you to love your business even more!



Have you heard the phrase “time is money”? Hiring help can actually help you increase your revenue and allow you the time to spend doing what you love or hanging out with family and friends. So by hiring a virtual assistant, you are winning in two ways. First, this will allow you to focus on other aspects of your business. And you will work less on daily activities allowing you to spend more time doing what love with who you love.


You can’t afford a full-time marketing guru. But you’re falling behind on your work because you’re trying to get more clients and grow your business. Virtual assistants are your solution. They are here when you need them, affordable, and can help your business succeed. Just hiring some part-time help will change your business!

Things are falling through the cracks

Your hands are in many different baskets right now and you’re starting to feel a little overwhelmed. As a result, small things are starting to fall through the cracks. You just need a little help here and a tiny bit of help there. Virtual Assistants can help with the small things and help get you on top of the more important aspects of your business.

Your business isn’t growing how you’d like

Coming up with and executing a marketing plan can be time-consuming and difficult. It’s often an area business owners neglect. Not only are you driving traffic to your site you can also view analytics to help you understand what methods are or aren’t working. If your business isn’t progressing the way you envisioned, you could use a virtual assistant for some help! Hiring a VA can help you revamp your business and help grow it. It can be a big step, but it’s the right step to help up-level your business. Working with virtual marketing assistants can help your business succeed and help give strategies you need to move forward in your business.

Your productivity increases

Running a business requires an owner to make sure everything little thing is running properly from big to small on a daily basis. Ever feel like there are not enough hours in the day. As though you worked hard all day only to realize you have not accomplished nearly as much as you had hoped? Hiring a virtual assistant can help increase your productivity. A virtual assistant can take some of the day to day tasks off your hands to allow you to focus on other tasks that need to be completed. Virtual Assistants can help all types of business owners with all the small tasks to free up your valuable time. They can help with many of the small tasks from answering emails, helping with blogging, Pinterest, Email Marketing and working client interactions. Hiring a VA to help with these tasks will free up your time as a business owner.

Your to-do list doesn’t get smaller

Ever sit down to plan your week and are overwhelmed with all you have to do? Does the stress of running your business have you wanting to throw in the towel? Having someone who works on the daily activities of your business reduces stress significantly and allows you to work on what you love. Is your to-do list never-ending? Hiring a virtual assistant can be such a smart move for a busy business owner. Virtual assistants will allow you as a business owner to be able to have someone to delegate things to and help accomplish to-do lists to avoid feeling like you’re drowning. VA’s can help with things that range from simple tasks like emails, or more complex things like social media, and re-branding. Virtual assistants are simply there to help free up your time. It will help you as a business owner enjoy running the business you created!

Let’s jump in together!  Contact me to check out all the services Breck and Co has available for YOU!




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